Add Link Dialog Box

Use the Add Link dialog box to add an additional UDT10 link to this leave type.

Note: In Deltek Time, you can track leave by UDT01, UDT02, UDT10. For this help screen, we have chosen to track leave by UDT10.


To display the dialog box, complete the following step:

  1. From the Time menu, click Settings > Leave Types.
  2. On the UDT10 Links tab, click Add Link.


Dialog Box Fields

Field Description

Use the Lookup button to the right of the field to select a UDT10 to link.  

Note: If you are using the Costpoint multicompany feature and are tracking leave by UDT02, only those UDT02s assigned to the Costpoint company on the Basic Information tab will display in the Lookup.

This non-editable field displays the UDT10 description.